Sunday April 14, 2024- Peace Be With You

Join us this Sunday at 10am as we welcome back Pastor Margaret Trim. Pastor Margaret will be preaching from LUKE 24:36-48. This week we will explore Jesus' post-Resurrection appearance to the Disciples in the locked upper room.  Could there be an invitation for us to hear, "Peace be with you" in our lives as well?

Sunday April 7, 2024- Voices

Join us this Sunday at 10am as we welcome back Pastor Kevin Lobert. Pastor Kevin will be preaching from Psalm 29. God’s Voice creates, controls and oversees even the harshest of storms. As we live in a noisy world full of distracting voices, are we listening for God’s voice – the One voice that matters above all the noise?  


Sunday March 31, 2024- Easter Sunday

Join us this Easter Sunday at 10am as we welcome Pastor Margaret Trim to the Bridge Community Church. Pastor Margaret will be preaching from John 20:1-18. This Sunday we will explore the Resurrection encounter between Jesus and Mary Magdalene.  There is so much to discover as we consider Jesus' words to Mary, "Woman, why are you weeping?" Maybe Jesus even has a question for us......

SUNDAY MARCH 24, 2024- Fully Alive

Join us this Sunday at 10am as we welcome back guest Pastor Dena Nicolai. Pastor Dena will be preaching from Mark 11: 1 - 12 and her sermon is titled “Fully Alive.”

Join us on Palm Sunday as we enter the story of Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem as King. Together, we'll explore what the people shouting "Hosanna!," which means, "Save us!" did -- or did not -- expect from this saviour, and what we do -- or do not -- expect when we think of salvation.

Sunday, March 17, 2024- Lent

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Chelsey Harmon preaches on Lent from John 3.14-21.

Since we went through the Fruit of the Spirit this winter, we didn't mark the season of Lent (which started on February 14). This Sunday, we'll consider some of the themes of Lent: journeying to the cross with Jesus, our practice of repentance, and reflecting on some of what Jesus's willingness to suffer and die means for us. We also might talk about some new research on moths... but you'll have to wait and see on that last one!

Sunday March 10, 2024- Self-Control

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Chelsey Harmon preaches on self-control from Hosea 11.1-11.

We are guided by the Spirit to grow self-control. Self-control is really about being in control of ourselves. We most often associate it with restraining our emotions, impulses or desires so that we are not causing harm or damage to ourselves, others, or the world with our actions. As we come to the end of the list of the Fruit of the Spirit, is there a way God models to us a more positive understanding of self-control? One that helps us even further see how all of the fruit are connected in building a beautiful life of keeping in step with the Spirit?

Sunday March 3, 2024

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Chelsey Harmon preaches on gentleness from James 3.13-18.

We are guided by the Spirit to grow gentleness. Gentleness might have the most surprising meaning out of all the Fruit of the Spirit. It is the quality of not being overly impressed by a sense of one’s self-importance. Jesus invites us: “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls.” In his letter, James helps us understand what the gentle yoke of Christ looks like. 

Be ready to participate by reading James 3.13-18 and thinking about how you see these qualities in the life of Jesus we read about in the Gospels.

Sunday February 25, 2024- Faithfulness

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Chelsey Harmon preaches from Revelation 19.11-16. We are guided by the Spirit to grow faithfulness. When someone is faithful, we trust them and put our faith in them. Like in the Greek that the New Testament is written in, faith, faithful, and faithfulness are all variations of the same word. This can help us remember that our faith as belief and our faithfulness in how we live is reliant on God being the Faithful one. Revelation 19.11-16 names Jesus Christ as “Faithful and True” so we’ll use it as our starting point for thinking about the nature of faithfulness.

Sunday February 18, 2024- Goodness

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Chelsey Harmon preaches from Psalm 145. We are guided by the Spirit to grow goodness. Goodness is “the positive moral quality characterized by interest in the welfare of others.” The word that Paul uses in the Fruit of the Spirit isn’t a common one found in the Bible, but the Old Testament equivalent, tov, is used to describe God and what God does a fair amount. Psalm 145 is a praise hymn celebrating God’s goodness. What would our hymn of praise say about God?

Sunday February 11, 2024 - Kindness & Congregational Meeting

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Chelsey Harmon preaches on kindness from Ephesians 2.4-10; Titus 3.1-5; Romans 2.4. We are guided by the Spirit to grow kindness. Like with patience, there are a few different Hebrew and Greek words that end up being translated as kindness. The word that Paul uses in the Fruit of the Spirit refers to a way of making use of our goodness for others. We do this by being of good character in our interactions with others and by being of help or benefit to them. It’s worth noticing how the root word is closely related to Christ, krestos and kristos, since his whole reason for becoming one of us was a kindness to us.

Following the service we will be having a Congregational Meeting!

Sunday February 4, 2024- Patience

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Chelsey Harmon preaches from Ex 34.1-11a. We are guided by the Spirit to grow patience. There are a few different words in the Bible that translate as patience. The one Paul uses in the Fruit of the Spirit list describes what it’s like to wait for an outcome in two aspects: we both endure and practice forbearance. Forbearance is another word for longsuffering and longsuffering is the go-to word in the Old Testament to describe God as patient. On Sunday, we’ll take the time to understand longsuffering from God’s perspective, then dip our toes into thinking about what God’s fruit of patience might look like in our lives.

Sunday January 28, 2024- Peace

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Chelsey Harmon preaches from Ephesians 2.11-22. We are guided by the Spirit to grow peace. Peace is not something that we can have on our own, it is inherently relational: we can have peace with God and pursue peace with one another. Our definition of peace begins with the truth that Jesus Christ is our peace (Eph 2.15), and is shaped by the clear connection the Bible makes between how we live and the presence of peace. This will help us understand what false peace is, what feeling inner peace is based upon, and why Jesus, the Prince of Peace, also said that he did not come to bring peace but a sword.

Sunday January 19, 2024- Joy

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Chelsey Harmon preaches on Joy from Psalm 16.8-11. We are guided by the Spirit to grow joy. More than a mindset, joy is an experience of gladness. It is both a communal and individual experience, especially as we celebrate the good God is up to for us. What does God rejoice about? And how do we receive and revel in God’s joy? It turns out it has a lot to do with knowing God’s presence.

Sunday January 14, 2024- Fruit of the Spirit: Love

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Chelsey Harmon preaches on the fruit of the spirit: Love from Galatians 5.1, 13-26; 1 John 4.7-21. Agape love is to have “warm regard for and interest in another.” Is this how you would describe God? What about the Ten Commandments? Along with introducing our new worship series, “Guided by the Spirit to grow…” we will dive right into why love might be first on Paul’s list of the Fruit of the Spirit. Spoiler Alert- it just might have something to do with the fact that “God is love.” But what does God’s identity have to do with us, the law, and freedom?

Sunday January 7, 2024- Baptism of Jesus

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Chelsey Harmon preaches from Mark 1.4-14. From Jesus’s baptism we learn some things about the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Does Jesus’s baptism experience have anything to do with us, though? We’ll explore that together on Sunday.

Sunday December 24, 2023- Christmas Eve and Advent 4 service: The Light of the World is Born

Join us this Sunday at 10am for our Christmas Eve service. Pastor Chelsey Harmon will be preaching from Luke 2.1-20. In the night, the Light of the World is born in humble circumstances to the Glory of God. We’ll dip our toes into Advent themes at the beginning of the service, then celebrate Christmas by hearing, seeing, and telling the story of Jesus’s birth in all kinds of different ways

Sunday December 15, 2023- Advent 3: Welcoming the Light from Luke 1.26-38

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Chelsey Harmon preaches from Luke 1: 26-38.

Last week we learned from John about sharing the Light of the World in our own unique ways, and this week we take some pointers from Mary about how to welcome the Light that disrupts our lives and by saying yes to it, requires us to be brave. What would you do if an angel just showed up and told you to not be afraid?!?!

Sunday December 10th, 2023- Advent 2: Sharing the Light from John 1.6-9 & Mark 1.1-8

Join us this Sunday at 10am as Pastor Chelsey Harmon preaches a sermon titled “Advent 2: Sharing the Light from John 1.6-9 & Mark 1.1-8.”

The beginning of the good news about Jesus Christ starts with someone else. In fact, through John the Baptist we see that Jesus as the Light of the World is a good news message that connects our faith’s past to its present and future. John shows us how to share the Light in our own unique ways.