Vision: Creating and nurturing spaces of connection with God, each other, and neighbour.

The Bridge has always valued the accessibility of the gospel.  Good news is meant to be shared.  As ambassadors for the kingdom of God (2 Corinthians 5:20) we seek to abide in Christ and abide among our neighbour - each of these opportunities is a gift given to us, and not wanting to squander these gifts, we seek to create and nurture those spaces in which we abide in Christ and abide with neighbour. We realize that beliefs void of practice are weak.  And therefore we strive to have corresponding practices with our vision and values.  



Discipleship:  Our purpose is to develop mature Christians - people who know God and His Word, who are united in faith and doctrine, who are aware of their God-given gifts, and who are thoroughly prepared for and engaged in service.

Fellowship: In our fellowship we recognize that we are all part of Christ's body.  Therefore if one member suffers, we all suffer together;  if one member rejoices, we all rejoice together.  We care for one another, serving one another in love.

Outreach: We seek to live in such a way that all may see the Spirit of God in us.  We share the joy of our salvation with our families, friends, neighbours, and coworkers.  We actively seek to rescue the lost so that they can see beyond darkness into the light of God's love.

Social Action: Recognizing that our God is a God of justice and compassion, we commit ourselves to live justly and compassionately in our world.  This involves prayer, political action and practical care for the disadvantaged; those who are hungry, disabled, poor, prisoners, elderly, homeless and others.