The Gospel Of Luke From the Outside In

A theme running through the Gospel of Luke is that all people are invited into the grace of God, and that God's Spirit is in the move on "the outside", gathering people into the participation of his mission.  What might it look like for the church to embrace this idea that God's promises are not just for us and our children, but also for those who are far off?  What might it look like for us to embrace that God's Spirit is on the move outside of the church and in often surprising places?


February 23, 2014

Moved by God: the good Samaritan

Luke 10:25-37

Jesus tells the lawyer that to inherit eternal life one must not only mentally ascribe to the belief of loving God and neighbour, but one must actually “do it”. The key issue in the confrontation between the Lawyer and Jesus is a different vision for God’s people.


FEBRUARY 16, 2014

Jesus and the power of God to heal today

Luke 8

In Luke 8 we see Jesus drive out demons, heal a woman from internal bleeding, and raise girl from the dead - and we’re left with the question whether Jesus will heal us today. We end with the conclusion that there are two things that people of faith can offer this world: 1. prayer for more undeniable glimpses of God’s power, and what he’ll one day accomplish for all people; and 2. the display of faith that is strong enough to accept that we may have to live through our suffering


FEBRUARY 02, 2014

Seeking Jesus for the forgiveness of sins

The sinful woman part two, Luke 7: 36 - 50

Forgiveness is given to those who seek forgiveness. It's the process itself in which we find forgiveness - the process of coming to God as people who stand in need.


JANUARY 26, 2014

Welcoming Jesus: The Sinful Woman Part 1

Luke 7: 36-50

The so-called "sinful woman" teaches us a lesson in hospitality.  Whereas Simon shirks the standards of hospitality because he fails to recognize who Jesus is, and what he has done, the woman demonstrates how "expensive devotion" can save us. 


JANUARY 19, 2014

The Forgiveness of the Paralyzed Man

Luke 5: 17 - 26

Jesus has been given the authority to forgive sins on earth.  We have been empowered to announce the forgiveness of sins in the name of Jesus.


JANUARY 12, 2014

Jesus says No: the perseverance of God

Luke 5:1-11

 Jesus does not do what Peter requests: “Lord, depart from me a sinner”. Rather, Jesus has something quite different in mind for Peter. In our shame we often implicitly echo Peter’s request. By embracing the ever-persistent grace and presence of Christ, we will find healing from our shame and be equipped to invite others into this same gracious presence of God.


JANUARY 05, 2014

We see the scope of who Jesus is

Luke 4: 14-30