September 2 2018: As we wish summer a fold farewell and begin the transition into the busy September season, we will spend time this Sunday reflecting on how to remember and practice our identity as people of God when the craziness of life begins to fly.  Join us as we take a deep breath together in what for many people is a very stressful time.

September 9 2018: Too often in life it seems that God is silent, that prayers go unanswered and we find ourselves overwhelmed with life's situations.  However, in the Gospel of John, Jesus is called “Word" and “life."  Join us his Sunday as we take a look at this interesting paradox, of how God is so often silent but yet comes to us as Word.

September 23, 2018: The story of Samuel’s call in 1 Samuel 3 is a literary masterpiece.  What seem to be mere physical descriptions in the story actually have deep spiritual meaning.  Join us this week as we reflect on how God remains faithful in his call even when it seems the night and darkness are closing in.

September 30, 2018: This week we will reflect on the inspiring call of Isaiah and his response to God, 'Here I am! Send me.’  Are these words just for a chosen few, or are they words for all of us?