Dinner for Three Starts Again

It is time for another round of “Dinner for 3”!  The dates we have slated are:   May 11, May 25, and June 1 to coincide with our ONE CHURCH sermon series.

What is Dinner for 3? 

Where 3 households (families, couples, or singles) meet together to share dinner and/or dessert, for 3 evenings.  You can either self-select, or email your name to dan@bridgelangley.org and be placed with two other households.   The idea is that you will together read the bible text that was preached that same Sunday, and together you will share how God has spoken to you through his Word.  Hopefully the sermon will have assisted in “setting the table” for discussion. 

Why Dinner for 3?

1. Getting to know each other better. This is an especially good way to get to know people new to our church, or people you do not know very well.  Or to connect, at a deeper level, with those we already know quite well.  This is in-keeping with our vision to create and nurture space of connection with each other

2. To encourage communal spiritual discernment.  This will be an opportunity to discern together God's word to us. This is in-keeping with our vision to create and nurture spaces of connection with God.


New Members Classes

New Believers’ Class

This class is being offered for people new to the Christian faith, who have expressed interest in learning more, possibly with the intent of making a commitment to Christ and joining the church.  However, even if you are a long-time member of the church, you are more than welcome to participate in this class.  We will be walking through key concepts of the Christian faith, as well as encouraging the practice of faithful devotion to Jesus.  

Classes are on the following dates: May 11, May 25, June 8, June 22.  

Each class will begin at 7:30pm at the Mcgill residence (address will be given at sign up).  

Please indicate your interest by emailing Pastor Dan - dan@bridgelangley.org.

APRIL 17 Tenebrae Service 6:30pm

APRIL 17 Tenebrae Service 7:30pm: Come join us for a Tenebrae Service.  We plan on observing the common characteristics of a traditional Tenebrae service, which includes candles, Scripture readings, and meditative hymn singing.  We wish to communally and consciously prepare for Good Friday, and ultimately Easter.  Child care will not be available for this short service.


Parenting Course - April 2014

Join us for THE PARENTING COURSE, by Relationship Central

This course is for any parent of children up to the age of 10. Whether you consider yourself to have strong parenting skills or are struggling, and whether you are expecting your first child or have many little ones running around. The course is designed to equip parents with long-term strategies to build a healthy family life.

It is a DVD series with a work book including questions to work on together as parents and some to discuss in small groups during each evening.    

When: Every Wednesday evening in April - 5 classes total
Time: 7pm -  9:15pm
Where: The Bridge Community Church

Cost: $30 per couple or $20 for individuals 
The cost of the course includes a guest manual for each parent, snacks, coffee & tea.

Please contact Linsey Kleingeltink for more info.


We Observe Lent March 5 - April 17

Lent is a season to journey with Jesus in his passion, to survey the cross, taking measure of Christ’s love in his suffering and death.
Beginning on Ash Wednesday (March 5), Lent is the forty-day season leading up to Easter. (If you count all the days, there are more than forty, but the Sundays are not counted as part of Lent, as they are resurrection celebrations held throughout the season.) 
Lent is a somber journey of spiritual preparation and renewal, marked especially by repentance and prayer.  In our pain-averse culture, Lent stands apart by not shrinking away from suffering but cultivating in us the wisdom that growth often comes through suffering.  In a time and place of religious freedom, where we mostly don’t suffer for following Christ, Lent invites us to willingly identify with Christ’s suffering through fasting or other forms of self-denial.
The spare and somber nature of Lent is healthy for the heart and true to the gospel, scrubbing away frothy spirituality by calling us to say no to ourselves in order to experience a greater yes in Jesus.  It helps to imprint the form of the cross in our lives, recognizing that the news of the risen Lord Jesus in not good without the way of the cross.  Lent prepares us to experience the reality of the resurrection joy only by first experiencing the depth of our sin that pinned Christ to the cross.
 - excerpt taken from Seeking God’s Face: praying with the Bible through the Year

Welcome to the new Bridge Community website!

 We hope you will find useful information that will keep you up to date on the latest happenings and events in our church family as well as some information to help you get to know us a little better.  Thank you for stopping by the website and we hope to see you Sunday morning!