OCTOBER: Communion: Join us as we celebrate Communion together every Sunday. If you believe in, or are seeking after Christ, you’re welcome to join us. *Note* We serve grape juice in our services.

OCTOBER 11: Peter Fish will be handed out to all the children.  These orange banks are intended to help you to remember Jesus’ compassion and care for hungry people and to inspire you to your own acts of compassion.  One way is to fill the fish banks with your change and bring them back to church on November 8, 2015. 

OCTOBER 11:  Special Offering:  Traditionally at Thanksgiving, we at The Bridge give thanks for God’s abundance by giving abundantly to others.  As in past years, a second basket will be passed this Sunday for the Thanksgiving offering; the proceeds will gotowards the neighbourhood Christmas dinner.

OCTOBER 19: Neighbourhood Dinner: 6pm here at the church.  Come on out and bring your friends!  Volunteers are needed to help make this dinner successful.   If you can help with set up, serving, or clean up, please contact Joanna DeVries (Joanna@devco.ca)

OCTOBER 20, 21: Fall Classis Meeting:  Pray for our delegates as they gather with other CRC delegates from this region

OCTOBER 29, 30, 31:  Faith Care Conference - Learning How to Grow Restorative Churches is a 3-day skill based conference teaching restorative practices at Willoughby CRC, Langley, BC.  Pastor Dan Roukema and Sophie Nagtegaal will be attending this conference. 

OCTOBER 31: Hallowe’en:  We are looking for volunteers to hand out candy, serve warm drinks and connect with those in our community.  We are looking for a minimum of four volunteers.  If you are interested in participating, or would like more information, please speak with one of the deacons or contact Brandon Kinsey at brandon.kinsey@student.ufv.ca